How to get rid of ticks on your dog

Ticks can be irritating and unpleasant to dogs, causing itches and scratching. If the bite area gets infected, it can also cause illness and disease. Follow the guidelines below to learn how to properly care for a dog with ticks.

1. Bath your dog using a tick shampoo

Giving your dog a tick bath is fastest way to kill ticks. While it will not prevent tick infestations, it will kill any ticks latched on your dog. Click here to buy tick shampoo online (Not sponsored). Always follow the instructions on the product label to ensure your dogs safety. The general method is to wet the pet’s body thoroughly with water and then apply the required quantity of shampoo and rub thoroughly into the hair root to obtain a lather. Leave the lather on the body for ten to fifteen minutes and wash with water. Pat dry with towel and brush the coat when dry. If you have any doubts, it’s best to consult your veterinarian and do as instructed by them.

2. Try a Spot On treatment

You can purchase spot on medication from your veterinarian, pet store or online. It is easy to use and convenient. As always, follow the directions on the label for safe usage. The general directions are to apply spot on at one point on the shoulder blade of the dog directly on the skin by parting or clipping the hair. Do not apply when hair is wet. Consult your veterinarian before application.

Do NOT ignore ticks in your dog!

3. Remove ticks using tweezers

It’s generally not recommend to handle ticks with your hand. (If you do, wash your hand afterwards). Tweezers can be bought from a medical shop and helps in easy tick removal. Part your dog’s hair around the tick, place the tweezers around the tick, as close as you can get to the skin and steadily pull the tick away. Clean the bite area and your hands with rubbing alcohol, iodine or soap and water. Dispose of the tick by killing it in alcohol or flush it down the toilet.

4. Take your dog to a Veterinarian

It’s not necessary to take your dog to the Vet if you’re confident in your ability to remove ticks. But if you’re unsure or if you’ve already tried and your dog is still infested with ticks, it’s a good idea to take them to the Vet. A Veterinary doctor may prescribe an oral medication which are a hassle free way of removing ticks.

LAST AND MOST IMPORTANT STEP! Give your dog a treat for being a good boy/girl

Removing ticks can be a stressful experience for dogs. Be sure to be patient with them and give them loads of treats and encouragement through this tough time.

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